
In this portfolio I will talk about the Job hunting project, a project related to find work that we have worked on the English subject with teacher Aurora.

The project is about created personal video curriculum, en el que comente mi información básica, trayectoria profesional, áreas de interés y futuros intereses personales.

 Now I am going to explain what I did in each task.

  • Task one, I did brainstorm jobs where I learned vocabulary of the professions and answer some questions about what I would like to study.

  • Task two, I make an infographic with the skills and qualifications I will need to do the jobs that interest me.  (Photo)

  • Task three, I make a map with the vocabulary about work and employment.

  • Task four, we did a job search on UK pages and then answered a few questions.

  • Task five, we answered some questions about the skills of our dream job and looked for vocabulary about qualities and skills.

  • Task six, I learn and write a Curriculum Vitae with some activities.

  • Task seven, I make my Curriculum Vitae and record my video CV.

Vídeo CV

First of all, the intention of this project is to introduce us to the world of work through activities related to vocabulary and grammar in order to learn English and discover the difficulties, steps and qualities that we must follow to find a job.

This project has given me new grammatical structures (active and passive voice, present perfect), new vocabulary and has taught me how difficult it is to find a non-precarious job.

Respect to work in groups, I have nothing to add since everything I have worked on has been individual.

Secondly, during this project I have tried to use as much time as possible so as not to take a lot of work home with me

For one hand, I will tell you about what it consists of and how we use the project diary and the personal target tracker.

 Project diary

It’s a document shared with the teacher where we collect everything new that we learn in a project such as vocabulary, expressions, verb forms, skills, etc.

The personal target trackers

 It’s a document shared with the teacher where we write down things that we must improve or learn, later we will have to write down if we did it or not.

In this project I have added many things that I need to improve.

However, I think I need to improve grammar in general, but more specifically in verb tenses and expressions since I usually fail a lot and that is what I find most difficult.

On the other hand, as for the subject, I liked the dynamism with which we work in class and the few tasks that the teacher sends home.

The reasons that you are covered to study English are to communicate the future and have a better job. 

We have used English a bit in class, only for writing but I would like to improve speaking English with my group, give feedback to other classmates or to communicate with the teacher and each other, and I work to change this.

But my family and I are considering the option of looking for extra support (we are currently looking for)

In conclusion, this project has helped me to learn new things about grammar, specifically the passive voice, as well as vocabulary and to look for a good job.  

I liked a very much because since I think it is very useful for the future.


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