Heyyyy! Welcome to my blog, in this portfolio I will be talking about the tasks that we have carried out during the first term of this course in the subject of English.

This term we have only worked on two tasks in the subject: the activity about our presentation to the class and the project "Why learn English?

 The presentation was to talk for a minute about us, our tastes, our family, hobbies ...

 The project consisted of doing a study where we collected the reasons why people would like to speak English.  In addition, we also made some graphs with the data obtained.

Now I will explain the project in depth.

 First of all, the teacher explained what the project consisted of and what we would have to do.  As a group we think and choose the questions we would ask for the interview and thus collect the data.

 Once the interviews were done, we classified the data into categories and put it all together in a spreadsheet shared with the whole class.

 Later, we made some graphs so that we could make our infographic, which we had to present in class.

 We also had to do an individual report explaining the study we had elaborated that my schoolmate had to give him the feedback.

Finally, the teacher sent us to write this blog post.

We also had to do an individual report explaining the study we had elaborated that my schoolmate had to give him the feedback.

Finally, the teacher sent us to write this blog post.

Individual report

Howerever, the group work was good, excellent and of quality.  Maybe it was difficult with the duty’s, since there was never an opportunity for the group to be totally present;  When it came to work, it was difficult to have to work from home and communicate with calls or video calls.

 The only thing that would improve in group work would be for all of us to be in person and not online.

 Also, the productive skills developed during the project are speaking & writing.

 For speaking we work in a group for ten minutes speaking in English, we record it and send it to the teacher.  Another speaking activity was to expose the infographic and give feedback to our schoolmates.

 Another task was the one minute presentation about ourselves which we had to expose.

Speaking in English I realized that I had to improve my pronunciation and that it is quite difficult for me.

When I gave feedback, I learned to be more objective and not to make the same mistakes in my work.

For writing it was to write the interview, the infographic, the individual report and some activities in the notebook and the vocabulary.

 Another task was to write a text about me.

 Writing the interview helped me to remember the wh-questions, the infographic helped me to improve when it came to summarizing information and activities to learn new things like “I have just”.

The only difficulty I had in all the writing activities were the forms of the verb tenses and their structures, since I don’t remember them clearly, but for this I have the portfolio of the last year.

For one hand, I will tell you about what it consists of and how we use the project diary and the personal target tracker.

 Project diary

 It’s a document shared with the teacher where we collect everything new that we learn in a project such as vocabulary, expressions, verb forms, skills, etc.

 The personal target trackers

 It’s a document shared with the teacher where we write down things that we must improve or learn, later we will have to write down if we did it or not.

On the other hand, as for the subject, I liked the dynamism with which we work in class and the few tasks that the teacher sends home.

 The reasons that you are covered to study English are to communicate the future and have a better job. We have not yet used an English source to find information but it has to be fun.

We have used English a lot in class, for example when we had to speak English with our group, give feedback to other classmates or to communicate with the teacher and each other.

 The next term I plan to be more consistent with English because I put it aside with confinement and currently I don't remember many things because I haven't studied it for a long time.

 In conclusion, this term has not been very productive since we have not done many projects compared to other years, but we have done a study that could be said to be quite developed and complete.  I have liked everything that we have worked on in class and I have found interesting the new way of teaching and the way in which the team is organized to work.


  1. Well done, Ainoa! This is a good post. You have a lot of well written structures and you express your ideas clearly.
    Some comments to make it even better:
    - Pay attention to word order, for example: "Initial evaluation we did not have".
    - You need to include more linking words to organise your text and even work harder on punctuation. We will concentrate on paragraph writing during the rest of the term. These will be personal targets for you. I suggest you pay attention to this in Spanish and German too.
    - What did you learn about learning from the use "The personal target tracker" and the "Project dairy"? How did they help you to get organised? Were they useful tools?
    - Make sure when to use "the next ..." or "next".
    - I miss some vocabulary we have learnt during the previous projects.
    - Include evidence and images of your work, for example the final infographic you made.

    Go on like this, Ainoa. By the way, all you did gave me infomation about how you are doing in English and in many other key competences. I mean. this was the initial evaluation ;-)


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