Do you know that sensation when you see a photo and said “Jo, how happy I was there, I hope I go back to that moment and repeat it ”? That’s what happens to me when I see these photos. I was happy and I didn’t know it, didn’t even intuit it. And now that I think about it I should have enjoyed those days mores.
Maybe the photos are not the best, nor ever the most beautiful I have, nor the ones that bring me the best memories. But if I have chosen them, it was because the instant I pressed the camera button and "clicked" if I was happy.
On the one hand, I will talk about the photo from before. That day I had a great time but I didn't fully enjoy it. It was a photo stolen by my sister on one of our last outings. I can hardly remember everything we did, but I do remember clearly how much we all laughed, and now that I think about it, how happy we were with so little. This photo transmit a feeling of peace and security with myself, in addition to happiness; something I miss a lot right now.
On the other hand, the second photo, the photo of the confinement, is one of the photos that I have taken for this time. It could be said that the most acceptable, since in all the others I go out making funny faces with my face. When I had it, I was neither happy nor sad, I was indifferent. I have chosen this photo because it brings back good memories, maybe it’s for the end with which I took it. Maybe it is not the most beautiful photo I have, but when I see it, it gives me a really good feeling, as if my past self was trying to convey a smile to my future self, that is, to my present self , that everything will be fine and that you don't worry.
This brings me to talk about how I feel during the confinement. During this time in my life, I might consider losing everything by not knowing what will happen to our life or the school year.
This is not my case, but how many teenagers will be in their homes thinking that the world has failed? Because at this point in their lives, adolescence, we have more life outside the home than inside.
I never really feel good or bad, in fact I don't even know how I feel sometimes. If I find it difficult to accept in the morning or throughout the day that I don't feel well; But that doesn't mean that other days I feel really happy and I spent it with my family laughing out loud.
I have two conclusions. The first is that I really need very little to be happy and the second is that I feel very fortunate to experience a pandemic, it sounds strange, but see the good side of people and all the solidarity they provide to strangers makes me think that in the world is not all lost yet.
In the last photo we can see my friends and we are on the street. I chose this photo because I remember it with special affection. It was the last time we all went out together. I honestly miss them so much. Also in this photo I am on the street, a place that I miss a lot.
Well finally, I miss things that I never even valued before. I miss how the sun caressed my skin when I went outside; like the morning air grazed my face and mess up my hair; like when I arrived late in the morning at my friend's house; when I went to have a snack with my family in the afternoon; like when I went shopping and complained, now a privilege that very few can achieve; I miss my family; You could also say that I miss myself because I am not the same as before, this situation is making me mature, reflect on life, on what matters and what I want for myself in the future.
In conclusion, it could be said that after comparing the three photos I have come to think that I was happy and did not know it. That for me happiness is not bought with money or objects, but with good company and having a good time, as it happens in all the photos.
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